Bernard of Ronald McDonald House Hamilton became our resident Bear for a week.
We had a resident of Ronald McDonald House Hamilton stay with us while he needed some cleaning and restoration of his own. We really enjoyed his visit, and he wanted to share it with you.

Bernard lives @RMHCSCO, helping children feel better. But it’s Bernard’s turn to get his boo boo’s fixed and cleaned so he can still do what he loves to do most; putting smiles on children’s faces! They asked us if we could help, and off we went, to get Bernard!

Bernard Arrives!
Bernard is greeted by some of Hamilton Cleaners friendly staff. He’s got a boo boo that needs to be repaired, and a good thorough cleaning, but they’re going to make sure he’s as comfy and happy as can be during his time away from home @RMHCSCO.

Shhh…… Bernard is trying to sleep! We brought in some little bears to keep him company on his trip away from @RMHCSCO. The staff at hamiltoncleaners is doing their best to keep Bernard comfy.

Well, we found out what is Bernard’s BEST meal EVER!
What’s Bernard’s favorite meal? A happy meal of course! Loaded up with extra #McDonalds fries! The staff at #hamiltoncleaners is doing their best to keep Bernard comfy while he’s away from his home @RMHCSCO.

Gathering around Bernard for emotional support!
Oh No!!! Bernard’s keeping up a brave face while getting his tear stitched up by the careful hand of the Matriarch of #HamiltonCleaners. All of the HC staff are there to comfort him like he’s there for the children of #RMHCSCO while he’s away from his home @RMHCSCO.

It’s Spa Day for Bernard!
It’s SPA DAY for Bernard at #HamiltonCleaners. He’s getting all cleaned up and brushed, so he’s all fresh to make his journey back to #RMHCSCO where he belongs! This was part of Bernard’s favorite part of his stay… besides the Happy Meals… and his new little Teddy Bear friends… and the Van ride. (You’re only supposed to have one favorite Bernard… but we’re happy you had more than one.)

Bernard’s heading back to Ronald McDonald House Hamilton
Bernard’s going home! #BernardTheBear is cleaned up, stitched up, and ready to return home to #RMHCSCO. We’re sad to see him go, but know that the children @RMHC miss him more.

Bernard’s returns home!
Bernard makes it home! Bernard’s time away from #RMHCSCO is now just a memory. But if he ever needs personal spa days, we’ll be happy to have him again at #HamiltonCleaners. Bye Bernard!

Bernard gets a warm welcome home!
Awweeee…… That picture is worth a 1000 words. We’ll miss you Bernard, but glad you’re #keepingfamiliesclose @RMHCSCO